Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kirindi Ella Fall

Kirindi Ella Fall

The source of this breath-taking, 116m-high fall is the Kirindi Ella (stream), which flows from its starting point 940m up the Kuttapitiya Mountain. The stream travels 13km before the cascading point in the Kaluwaramukalana Jungle. It then flows via the Denawaka River to the Kaluganga River, located in the Bambarakotuwa Jungle. Local villagers say that there is a picture of a tortoise etched into stone here.
The nearest town to Kirindi Falls is Pelmadulla, Ratnapura District (Pelmadulla Divisional Secretariat, Kuttapitiya GS area). Take the Ratnapura - Pelmadulla highway and 600m before the Kuttapitiya junction, turn left down the Kuttapitiya road. Continue for 5km to find the fall.

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